Saundra Carter
Saundra Carter, previous NETworker of the Month for May 2023, has been a long-standing member of The NETwork BICP Metro Atlanta Chapter. Not only is she a member, but she is a doer! Saundra has been actively involved for years with our local Professional Development Committee, and a leader for increasing technical acumen in our organization.
Saundra is founder of The NETwork Metro Atlanta's Job Shadow Platform Initiative and has a team working on a job shadow hosting platform, homegrown by NETwork Metro Atlanta members. She has also been instrumental in engaging other parts of the business and converting them to NETwork members. She is encouraging to other members, and has stepped up as Interim VP for the PD&T Committee when we needed the gap filled.
Saundra is a part of all the chapters Professional Development & Talent Committee Events. She is an active contributor, congratulates all successes from being an active watcher of our newsletter or other AT&T platforms.
The Metro Atlanta Chapter is fortunate to have her apart of their family!