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About Us

We are an organization of Black Integrated Communications Professionals open to everyone. Our brand celebrates the organization’s 50+ year heritage and represents the optimism, vision and determination that will pave the way for the next generation of leaders.


Our Mission

Transforming our future by empowering our members and our community today.

Our Vision

To become a premier leader in providing growth opportunities through sustainable programs that build future generational leaders within the industry and community.


Our Purpose

The NETwork encourages African Americans and other diverse individuals to attain their personal and professional goals and to lead change in our communities.

Our Logo

The “O” has been replaced by the Ghanaian Adinkra symbol, Sesa Wo Suban (say-sah woh soo-bon) which represents change or transformation of character. As we are committed to “Transforming Our Future Together”, this reflects our forward movement on that path.

Our Theme

Our Theme: R.I.S.E., stands for Resilient, Innovative, Servanthood, and Empowerment. To embrace Resilience in the face of challenges, to ignite Innovation in everything we do, in Servanthood we lead with our heart, and through Empowerment, we encourage one another every step of the way. 

#NETworkRISE2025 #WeAllTHRIVEin2025

2025 Priorities and Theme.png
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